It's Parenting

Sports mom madness + Wed Links

This is my first year in a while as a sports mom. My son played football at 5 years old, 6 years old, and 7. Stopping at 8 because he was tired of being hit. I thought the sports bug was over for us until he came to me at 10 talking about he wanted to play basketball. I said but you’ve never played why on earth would you want to play basketball. He insisted for a year and finally in January I put him. Lawd hammercy Y’all didn’t warm me of the foolishness. You would think these kids played in the NBA the way the parents carry on. One parent, in particular, has a loud mouth and every game I just know she is going to get her ass beat. I try to remain calm most games but then she started in on my son and y’all know I wasn’t having it. Here is the conversation

Parent: Put your hands up, Defense, Come on Lakers play ball.

*she walks from one side of the bleachers to the other as if she is the coach*

Parent: Pass the ball….no don’t give it to the fat one

Now the Fat one she refers to is my son. You see I put in him basketball not only because he wanted to play but because he needed to lose some weight. He is short and a big so the Dr was concerned. He needed to get physical and move so since he wanted to play I decided to go ahead and put him in basketball. He can play and lose weight at the same time. I wasn’t thinking they were going to put my son in the game that much since he never played before and some of these kids look like they came out of the womb playing. I mean 11/12 year olds doing crossovers better than the real basketball stars.  They put him in though quite often. The coach said he had the heart and that was important.

Anywhoo, when she said that another parent tapped her and pointed at me. I was sitting two seats behind her.

Parent: Oh I am sorry that’s your kid I didn’t mean it. You know I am just passionate about the game

Me: *In my head I wanted to say You should be passionate and fix your little girl hair, her hair looks a hot mess but you look good at every game. Dressed from head to toe.* Did I also mention that this was a coed team so girls played with the boys

Me: I just smile and nod …because I don’t look good in orange

Parent: NO NO NO what are y’all doing. Never give it to number 5. He can’t help Y’all win games. He is sorry as hell.

Now I am not invested in this sport so I had no idea what number my sons’ jersey was. My daughter turned around and said mom isn’t brother number 5.

She walks by me and this time I say something

Me: Excuse me, I don’t know who you are and I don’t even care to know but I would watch your mouth. Next time you say something about my son I will take the braces in your daughter’s mouth and wire yours shut.

You could hear a pin drop. The Ref looked nervous….In my head, I was like dammit she done make me say something I was doing so good but she turned around and walked off. She said no more the rest of the game and from then on she sat on the opposite side of the gym.

Wed Links

I don’t drink coffee so I need all of these things to wake my butt up in the mornings

I never thought about doing Disney World as an adult but I can kind of see it being fun

I am working on number 13 because I lack engagement badly

Self-care is important! Make sure you have a budget for it!

Come through Spring! Loving this outfit and the colors

Netflix gonna end up being the next Amazon

Wait what if this Toddler Hotline was real?

My cell phone is always in my hand so if I don’t answer you it’s because I don’t wanna


  • robin rue
    March 14, 2018 at 12:11 pm

    Some parents get WAY too much into their kids sports. There is a mom like that at my son’s basketball and I want to strangle her sometimes. Settle down – they are just kids – let them have FUN.

  • Alli Smith
    March 14, 2018 at 12:20 pm

    And we wonder where bullies get their inspiration from – usually their loud mouth parents. My kids played sports and now my grandkids play basketball, baseball, and soccer. Some parents AND coaches have no business being around kids. One coach (of 8-year-olds) gets T’d up every single game because he acts like a complete fool. What kind of example is this to our kids? He will NEVER coach one of my grandkids.

  • candy
    March 14, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    You go girl. I have seen parents do this and it just makes me so mad. This happen during a t_ball game when my son was little. Wasn’t even directed at my son but I wasn’t going to let this person ruin a T-ball game for young kids. Never be sorry you spoke up and I bet the other parents were just as glad you said something.

  • Sheena Steward
    March 14, 2018 at 12:48 pm

    My husband coaches really little kids (5-6) & some of those parents were doing too much. That lady was just flat out wrong and I’m glad you said something. I hope your son’s team does well.

  • Raynola
    March 14, 2018 at 1:13 pm

    Obviously your son was good enough to be in the game, she was out of order

  • AJ
    March 14, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    WOW. That is completely unacceptable- not only that she would actually SAY these things out let, but even THINKING in such a negative way- about a child?! Good for you for standing up for your son and saying something. That is one thing I just cannot tolerate- bullies. Whether it’s a parent or another child, it is unacceptable.

  • Jeanette
    March 14, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    You go girl! No one absolutely no one has a right to say something about somebody else’s child! My heart was breaking for your child just reading this. I can’t believe some parent would be that much of a jerk to do something like that. I am so sorry that happened to you and just know that not everybody out there is like that.

  • Joanna @ Everyday Made Fresh
    March 14, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    I am so glad that you stood up for your son like that! Parents go sport crazy sometimes. I just don’t get it. My daughter takes dance, and thankfully we don’t have any of those dance moms! I am worried, as we take on a new extra activity, that does qualify as a sport, swim team.

  • Kim
    March 14, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    I LOVED going to Disney as an adult. I also loved it as a It really is a happy place.

  • Toni
    March 14, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    Don’t give it to the fat kid??
    Oh hell nah!! These are kids, kids who belong to someone. How dare she refer to some one kids in that manner. Omg girl hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That seriously pissed me off.

    I am a basketball mom as well. My 14yr old plays. I root for the WHOLE entire team! Idc who’s up with the ball, I am rooting! Whether your skilled or not. The nerve. Girl. Some of these parents tend to get just a little bit too crazy tho. Like calm down!

  • Rosemary Palmer
    March 14, 2018 at 4:01 pm

    I wanted my son to do good, and he was naturally athletic, but some parents just go way out there. And calling other kids names is totally not acceptable.

  • Lou
    March 14, 2018 at 4:25 pm

    Oh no she didn’t say that about your son! I’m glad you shut her up! That heffa needs to get her butt kicked! Losers like her is the reason why a lot of children are disrespectful and bullies too, they learn it from their parents.

  • Lia World Traveler
    March 14, 2018 at 4:56 pm

    I am so glad you stood up for your son it is so necessary and important to check over zealous dare I say crazy parents. Good for you!

  • Kenya G. Johnson
    March 14, 2018 at 6:38 pm


    Ok going to go finish reaading….

  • Kenya G. Johnson
    March 14, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    I gave you a virtual high-five! There has been two times that I didn’t go there but wanted to. The only reason I didn’t the first time is because my husband was still active duty and I could tell the man who was doing the commenting was an officer or some high rank and I didn’t know WHO he was. So I keep my mouth shut but in my head I was saying, “You got ONE MO TIME…” Fortunatley the angels kept his mouth shut. And by the way that year Christopher was FIVE. This was soccer and he used to fall dramatically and maybe on purpose and then everyone had to take a knee. So he kept commenting about Christopher falling. Ok so the next one was two years ago. So glad I kep my mouth shut because she ended up being the President of one of the football leagues we shoot pictures for, so I might have burnt that bridge and income. I ended up sitting on the opposite end from where she was so I couldn’t hear her. But she kept yelling my son’s number out and I was saying, “You got ONE MO TIME to say #14.” When she said it again I just got up and moved but my face was HOT. Glad you stood up for your son though. That lady went too far and then to say something again after she knew you were right there!

  • Lisa
    March 14, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Good for you. I love that you stood up for your son. Some people are just mean and cruel. Her comments had nothing to do with her loving the game.

  • Sara Welch
    March 15, 2018 at 1:20 am

    Sporting moms can get way too crazy. Love the passion though; moms are the best cheerleaders.

  • Karen Morse
    March 15, 2018 at 1:42 am

    Honestly, some parents can be so much in it that they don’t even care about hurting others. I mean, it’s good that you heard it but what if your son was hearing it all this time and got emotionally hit by her words? That would have been a whole new level. I’m glad you said something and she stopped saying anything after that. It would be nice to be at your son’s games at all times just to make sure this woman is not using her mouth to hurt him mentally and emotionally.

  • Toiia L. Rukuni
    March 15, 2018 at 12:01 pm

    I am so happy that you stood up for your son. I think that sometimes other parents do not have any filters and can speak to other children without any respect, until they meet a parent that can really put them in check, and unfortunately these confrontations do not happen only in sports you can find some of these parents in PTA, and other school organizations too!

  • Carol Cassara
    March 15, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    I’ll give you a solid high five if I could! I think it’s awesome what you did to stand up for your son and make sure that that mom shuts her mouth so she won’t hurt others. It’s okay to be passionate about the game but it’s not okay to step on the players especially if they’re just children. This mom must know her place and she can easily use words of encouragement instead of insensitive insults.

  • Monique Tillman
    March 15, 2018 at 12:41 pm

    You did a great job of containing yourself the first time, but what you will not do ma’am is talk about my child. See this is why my husband goes places with me because I am not wrap to tight and I be ready to pop off. ESPECIALLY ABOUT MY CHILD. She need to sit her butt down and enjoy the game.

  • Anosa Malanga
    March 15, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    Ohh, if I were you, I think I would get mad hearing those. Glad your handle it very calmly. I hope other people would be sensitive enough in terms of expressing their words.

  • Leslie
    March 15, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    Girl..or rather guuurrlll! This made me all the way mad but I so loved how you handled this. My daughter is 6 and the closest scenerio I have to this is dance moms on the side hollering at their own kids about ballet or whatever it is. It was annoying and just made it stressful for the kid and uncomfortable for us all.

  • Alison Rost
    March 15, 2018 at 3:18 pm

    I can’t believe a mom would do that to other children, it’s just so insensitive. Would she stay quiet when it’s her son that’s receiving all these rude remarks? I don’t think so. It’s not about being passionate about the game, I think that’s just an excuse to justify what she’s doing. Glad you said what you did!

  • Tasheena @
    March 16, 2018 at 5:21 am

    This is probably one of my least favorite things about youth sports. Some parents just go overboard and set the wrong example for the children around.

  • Dominique
    March 16, 2018 at 1:55 pm

    DAMN, GIRL!! You are my hero!!! Now, I am not a mom, but if anyone were to mess with my kid, it’s going down. HARD. Good for you! I love these stories!!!

  • Ave
    March 16, 2018 at 8:14 pm

    It’s so great that you stood up for your boy and let the other mom know what you think. We should never say bad things about other kids. Good luck to your son’s team!

  • Sanaa Brooks
    March 16, 2018 at 10:27 pm

    I’m crying. LOL I get like that when I watch sports but I don’t ever call kids out they name. Smh! At least you were nice! LOL

  • Tanay Michele
    March 17, 2018 at 1:49 am

    I would’ve been kicked out the gym, don’t come for mines miss! I mean as an adult you’d think she had some self control *hard eye roll*

  • Ola
    March 17, 2018 at 9:51 pm

    Ahhh… kid’s sports games. I don’t have any children, but I am convinced that I could never endure (as a parent) some of the things I’ve seen parents do at these games. You didn’t do too badly in your response to the Mom. She needed to be told something, and you did it in the funniest way, although I know it was serious. Even if she didn’t know it was your son (which clearly wasn’t the case here), she knew he belonged to SOMEONE, she knew he was just a child. You appropriately shamed her. Good for you.


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