It's Parenting

100 things to know about teenagers

What’s my life like with a teenager and a preteen? *cries and cues all the wines and likka stores*

Having a teenager isn’t easy and I try to remember my life as a teenager. Here are some fun and real things to know about teenagers.

100 things to know about teenagers

  1. They eat a lot – in other words, everything especially cereal and milk
  2. They kinda lazy – I blame technology
  3. They hate school – Maybe it’s just my kids
  4. They are the bully or have been bullied – it’s high school you can’t avoid it
  5. Teenagers think they can dress but honestly can they
  6. Video games …enough said
  7. They must have a cell phone. One with wifi won’t do
  8. They are on social media. If you don’t know they are and they have friends they may have an account
  9. They’re sneaky
  10. They wear sweatshirts a lot – Maybe it’s just the boys
  11. Girls do a lot of selfies boys do a lot of annoying stuff to get the attention of the girls
  12. They know about sex…trust me on this.
  13. Snapchat is their favorite because most parents aren’t on there (giving you a clue)
  14. You won’t like all of their friends let it go and let them learn
  15. They like money…make them work for it. No allowances do something around the house
  16. Shoes have to be on point (again maybe it’s just the boys)
  17. They think we as parents sit around and do nothing all day
  18. They can do more than we give them credit for
  19. They are moody
  20. They like to do things their way and it’s wrong wrong wrong but we gotta let them learn…right?
  21. They want to hang out with friends more than you
  22. They will always go over to the cool parents home. If no one hangs at your house chances are you aren’t the cool parent
  23. They like to go to the movies
  24. They never keep their rooms clean unless you ask
  25. Water bottles and bags of chips are in their rooms somewhere….move the bed and the dresser
  26. Everything is wrong with you as the parent
  27. They have a heart…..somewhere
  28. They will pester their younger siblings because they know it will piss you off
  29. They always want to bargain with you
  30. They don’t know how to clean even if you teach them fifty leven times
  31. They are nosy but in a lowkey way
  32. They listen to what matters to them
  33. They have no idea what they want to be when they grow up just like some of us as adults
  34. They are good at avoiding tough questions
  35. They do not want you at that school it will embarrass them
  36. They do the worse in the class where they don’t like the teacher
  37. They eat a lot of sandwiches
  38. Fruits and veggies are not often foods that they will eat willingly
  39. Don’t ask them how their day was. Ask them to tell you something good that happened
  40. Ever heard of a thin line between love and hate…think about teenagers
  41. They lie
  42. They will break the rules at some point
  43. They won’t be comfortable with their weight.
  44. Snacks….my gawd
  45. They are nice to everyone that isn’t you
  46. They will talk back and get smart with you
  47. Can be sarcastic at times…ok all the time
  48. They make stupid choices
  49. Girls especially stay in the bathroom all day long
  50. They smell
  51. Learn their lingo they say a lot of letters
  52. They won’t talk to you so you have to see the signs and read their mind
  53. Rules are stupid
  54. They want to stay up late but don’t want to get up in the mornings
  55. They talk to their little friends more than you
  56. They won’t hear what you have to say but will listen to someone else who says the same thing
  57. The music they listen to sucks but they won’t get it until they have kids
  58. Get them a headphone
  59. They are always bored
  60. They will make you cry
  61. They will make you mad
  62. They embarrass easily
  63. They don’t understand the word no
  64. They take chances that you would have never dreamed of doing
  65. They are needy
  66. They want things that they can’t have
  67. They blame stuff on others
  68. They say well my friend can do this and that why won’t you let me
  69. They always think you are rich
  70. They will give you evil looks
  71. They can be petty
  72. Smiling is hard for them to do and if they do laugh it is at you not with you
  73. They are always trying to keep up with the latest trends
  74. Their hair is important
  75. They get depressed watch out for the signs
  76. They need mental days from school allow them to take it
  77. Organization is key for them…my son is still learning this
  78. They hate being grounded and will say stuff under their breath about you
  79. Family time is only fun if it’s what they want to do
  80. They like to play games where they will win
  81. They ask for money a lot….make them work for it
  82. They want to know if you did such and such when you were a teenager so they can remind you
  83. They won’t think you are cool but their friends might
  84. They cuss (well at least my son does)
  85. They will break stuff including your heart
  86. They will go through a lot of friends
  87. They quit stuff easily
  88. They act like their tough but they are truly teddy bears
  89. When their headphones are in don’t speak to them
  90. You have to repeat stuff to them and they still won’t listen
  91. You are mean but their auntie who lets them get away with murder isn’t
  92. They know technology better than you do. Case in point I shut my son down from video games he found a way to hook it up through his computer which he was supposed to be doing school work on
  93. They are curious
  94. They do as you do not as you say. If you are on your phone all the time then they will want to be on theirs
  95. They say I’ll do it in a minute….it won’t get done
  96. They will amaze you by the things you had no idea they could do
  97. They think they are grown at 10
  98. They are expensive
  99. They watch a lot of youtube
  100. They really do love you but will show you in a different way


100 things to know about teenagers


  • Alisha
    October 17, 2019 at 3:39 pm

    My girls are 10 and 17 and the oldest is a Gemini…Lawd please pray for me because that older one makes me want to cuss daily!!! And I can relate to about 99% of the things in your list lol.

  • Amber Myers
    October 21, 2019 at 12:10 pm

    Yup, this is true! I have a 17 year old and a nearly teenager. She’s already a lot of these. I still talk to mind with headphones though. I just take them out. I mean, I paid for them so if I want them out, there ya go.

  • robin rue
    October 21, 2019 at 1:00 pm

    My son is 15 and my other one is right behind him at age 12. Teenagers are very complicated lol!

  • Terri Steffes
    October 21, 2019 at 2:09 pm

    My daughter is 34 (this week) and I would give anything to redo her teen years! She was a good teenager, but she made up for it in college! Ha!

  • Ice Cream n Sticky Fingers
    October 21, 2019 at 7:02 pm

    I’ve been through the teenage years with two out of three kids. My older two did a bunch of the items you listed out and I’m not exactly sure that I’m ready for my youngest to be a teenager though. He is my baby so I’m trying to enjoy it while I can but he is already saying mom, I got this or I can do it myself. 🙂

  • Sue Reddel
    October 21, 2019 at 7:27 pm

    Very helpful list for those of us who don’t have teenagers. Will help us interact with them a bit better knowing what is interesting to them.

  • Sarah Bailey
    October 21, 2019 at 10:55 pm

    I have to admit it has been a while since I was a teen, but yep a lot of those were me. I am sure this will help many whos kids are heading towards that age as well.

  • Pam
    October 22, 2019 at 12:23 am

    So many of these are so true! Snapchat wasn’t around when my kids were teens though.

  • Chef Dennis
    October 22, 2019 at 5:43 am

    This list of 100 things about teenagers is really wonderful. It’s really a great thing to know more about them so that we will know how to deal with them.

  • Ruth I
    October 22, 2019 at 9:53 am

    Teenagers are pretty interesting. They always have their own thing and language. Makes it bit easier to understand them.

  • Rena
    October 22, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    I raised three of them and this is right on point! They eat ALOT, they’re moody ALOT, but they are also going through so much especially in today’s 24/7 world.

  • Lynndee
    October 22, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    Oh, yeah! I have a teenager and I totally agree, they eat a lot. Like they are always hungry. LOL. But I learn a lot from him too especially about the latest on Twitter and the latest gadgets. 🙂

  • Kathy
    October 22, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    That is a big list of things. I will have a teenager in a couple of years. I’m not exactly looking forward to that either..although I do love watching my kids grow up.

  • Jenn @ EngineerMommy
    October 22, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    I like the tip about not speaking to them when their headphones are in lol. I know I’m the same way haha.

  • Rachel
    October 22, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    My daughter and the headphones. They will meet a quick end if she doesn’t stop being nasty about them.

  • rika
    October 22, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    I am sure the list can go on and on! I hope my kids won’t hate their school or be lazy!

  • Brianna
    October 22, 2019 at 8:24 pm

    Some of these made me LOL! I’ve got a while before having teenagers, soaking up the toddler craziness right now!

  • Swathi
    October 23, 2019 at 3:17 am

    I need to keep the list, I don’t have teenagers yet. I will get it soon. so I need to keep this list handy, Looks like this is universal theory for all teenagers.


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