It's Life

Tips on surviving a storm or natural disaster

I went on my snapchat the other night to do some tips for those living in Texas as they are going through some mess right now. Shat that shouldn’t be happening but we all know that this United States of America really isn’t as equipped as it needs to be when it comes to disasters, storms, floods, fire, etc. We have to help ourselves and if I can help you all with some tips I want to make sure I do that. Here are some tips to survive in case of a storm or natural disaster.

Tips to survive in case of a storm or natural disaster

No one has time to read entire paragraphs so this will be in bullet points so you can quickly get the information

  • Get a tent. If your power goes out during a storm use that tent and put blankets and pillows in it. Sit it on top of the bed. If you need to keep warm go in that tent because the temperature in there will be warmer. Remember to sit the tent on top of a mattress or air mattress
  • Know how to open your garage manually and practice that even if your power is on. I saw so many that didn’t know how to open their garage and they were panicking.
  • Get a grill. Preferably have 2 charcoal and gas. That way you have a backup source. You can use one to cook and one to heat. Don’t use too much go get what you need and turn it off so that you can conserve it as much as possible
  • Keep water jugs at all times in your home. I buy a jug every week that I grocery shop. Pile them in the garage if there is no space in your home. I do use my jugs to drink out of but I always keep extra on hand just in case
  • Candles, Flashlights and batteries. I know we live in modern technology but old school can save a life. Have these things in a spot where you can get to even if it’s pitch black dark
  • Get a generator. Yes they cost money but it can help.
  • Stock up on can food. I don’t usually eat them but it’s always good to have them. I also have the Ranger Bucket filled with organic stuff as a backup. Yes again I may never use it but it’s helpful to have on hand because bad weather can happen anywhere.
  • Have insurance but we all know how that can go because most insurance companies don’t want to pay out. Have it though renters and home owners. In GA you have to have home owners connected with your monthly payment if your mortgage is through a bank. Have renters insurance (most require you to have them now anyway) and don’t get these off-the-wall companies stick with major or semi-major companies so you won’t be screwed.
  • Have a fire proof/water proof safe of some kind for important documents. If you get water damage some things can be ruined and it’s a pain to get a new ss card or proof that you are you. I have one in my home that I have my millions in (I’m kidding don’t come here trying to rob me I don’t even have 5k in my bank account lol). Seriously keep a safe or box of some kind in your home with important docs. All you need in there are your Social security cards, birth certificates and maybe some small amounts of cash or checks or anything else you deem important. You also don’t need a big one I have one that is small and is just big enough to hold simple things.
  • Make a grab list in case you have to get out fast. Some things to include on that grab list is laptop, computer chargers, phone chargers, your box that I mentioned above, Medicine for you and kids, first aid kit, blankets, water, can goods, your purse, flashlights, toiletries, pictures (which you should start putting on digital so you can always have them), and some clothes I say at least a weeks worth of underwear and t-shirts. You can wear the same pants over and over again and no one is worried about a bra.

Ok I think that’s the main gist of things. If you want to help donate to people in any particular area make sure you find the right places to do so that you know where your money is going and how it’s being allocated.

I’ve been through a few hurricanes to know how it feels to have no power or water for a few days so I’ve been there. Remember old school works in situations like this.

Any tips to add?

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Tips to survive in case of a storm or natural disaster 

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