It's Life

The complete beginners guide to helping you with your worries

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own

Are you a worry wart? I am somewhat……let me explain.

I worry about many things. I worry about my kids in school all day. Did they wash their hands? Did my daughter sit on pee when it was restroom time? Did they eat enough? I remember when I was a teenager I always had this fear that my mom would leave me. I worried that she would die a horrible death by a car accident….well she died but it was from cancer (which I hate by the way). I worried that I would never be a good mom or a business owner and that fear keeps me from being the best that I can be. So how do you get over worries? Here are a complete beginners guide to helping you with your worries.

How to get over your worries

I am generally optimistic about my future. I believe that life will happen no matter what we worry about. A saying that I say in my mind “If you worry don’t pray if you pray don’t worry” I have been praying but I still worry that if I get on a plane it may crash. So, how do we live life and not worry so much? Here are some tips…….

  • Replace your worries with gratitude, be grateful that gratitude is given and you can give and receive it
  • When you start to make up scenarios in your mind, replace those thoughts with good thoughts. For me, I replace my bad thoughts with thoughts of what I would do if I won a million dollars.
  • Put some space between yourself and your thoughts and then ask yourself, “Is worrying serving me right now?” This allows you to open the door for a new perspective.
  • You waste time worrying about things….time that could be used to live life to the fullest. Have a backup plan if you must worry and then keep it moving. If you worry about not being able to pay your rent/mortgage for the month. Have a plan in place and that plan will help you feel better if….and that’s a big if, things turn out bad.
  • Most people over-think things and worry because they are trying to brace themselves for any outcome…..this stops you from fully enjoying yourself. I understand that you have been hurt by a friend or two in the past but one day a great person will come along and you won’t know it because you have your defenses up and you will worry that person will hurt you like the rest. To avoid this, study a person. I always study people to see what some of their habits are. This helps you to make clearer decisions…now you may still get hurt but people come into your life for a reason. Find that reason and then move on.

If all else fails and you worry so much that it causes you anxiety the next best step is to seek counseling. Since I live in Conyers, GA it’s hard to find a good therapist but I found one. Ray of Hope Counseling services is a great first step into helping you with your worries that can turn into anxieties that can cause problems for your life. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a therapist than your friends so that you know you are talking to someone unbiased who can give you the help you need for any problem that you may have. I love that they have online services also for those of us that are busy.  Talking to someone about your anxiety and issues can be helpful for long-term things. For example, I am scared to get on a plan and that causes to miss out on a lot of things. Talking to a counselor can help me overcome those fears and I can finally get on that plane and go after bigger things. Ray of Hope helps with a lot of things not just worries but stress, abuse, depression, etc. They even have hypnotherapy which I have heard is very good.

How to get over your worries

Worrying should not stop you from living everyday life. Get the help that you need to overcome all of your obstacles so that you can live a full life without worry.

How do you deal with your worries?


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