It's Parenting

It’s hard for pre-teens to make a new friend at a new school

Your pre-teen years can be pretty awkward. You’re not a little kid anymore but you’re also not a teenager. These years can also be crucial in shaping a young mind and setting the trajectory of the direction they’ll take in life. It is for this reason that having a mentor, sources of inspiration, and outlets to express themselves are important. Here is How Can Pre-teens Make Friends at a New School

How Can Pre-teens Make Friends at a New School

Outlets that help to build a support system within their immediate circle and community can be a tremendous help.

Pre-teens, especially young girls, can be susceptible to being influenced by the many pressures of the world or the wrong kind of friends.

This can be catapulted when they start a new school year or even a new school entirely. But how exactly can and should pre-teen girls make friends?


They Need Their Parents’ Involvement, So Be the Involved Parent


I strongly encourage parents and guardians to facilitate positive reinforcements. Do you remember being a pre-teenager and coming into your own self? While I can look back and appreciate my youthfulness, bright eyes full of hope, and an array of possibilities, I’m not so sure I’d want to relive those years. Would you?

It’s important for parents to get to know not only the faculty of where their kids are going to school but also the other parents.

  • Getting involved with your child’s school and activities can bridge a gap between yourself, the other parents, and making introductions between their kid/s and yours.

Schools are always looking for parents to get evolved and become volunteers so if it helps your son/s or daughter/s with making friends, getting to know the staff, and further creating a wider community for them then why not?

I also believe very strongly that doing this can potentially give your child a leg up when it’s time for them to look for jobs, and explore careers. Referrals can come in very handy.

  • As they say, your network impacts your net worth.

How Can Pre-teens Make Friends at a New School

Extracurricular Activities



One way to make friends is to explore extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities force you to engage and be active. These activities could include:

  • Joining a cheerleading squad
  • A track team, soccer, dance, chess, and other forms of athletic outlets
  • A debate team
  • A study group
  • It’s important for you/your teen daughter to identify your talents and join organizations to hone those skills and make friends with those with similar talents and interests

Host Events



  • Hosting events at your home, like game nights, sleepovers and pajama parties, barbeques and dinners is another great way to help your pre-teen make friends.
  • Invite their school mates and parents and break the ice. You never know, this can be a start to a long-lasting friendship 


Go Virtual


Living in the digital age has some advantages, it makes the world feel a lot smaller. We can gain access to just about anyone anywhere that has access to wifi, a computer, and phone.

  • Social media, while it has some challenges and can be toxic, it can also be helpful in finding and connecting with likeminded individuals and making friends
  • Facebook groups are great for finding people with common interests. There are even some that are specific to teenagers
  • Popular teen pages and communities on Instagram, Twitter, Reddit can be helpful in connecting with local teens 
  • Encourage your teens to subscribe to positive media outlets catered to teens. They often hold virtual and in-person events for more positive reinforcements and support.

Parents, when it comes to virtual communities this is also where I say to monitor your teen’s interactions. While you want to give them space and trust, virtual communities can also be toxic to their mental health and emotional well-being if it’s not the right community for them. Talk to your teens often to do check-ins on what’s happening in their lives and how you can be of assistance.




  • Pre-teenagers aren’t usually allowed to work legally but getting them involved in volunteer work can be good for making them socially aware as well as meeting like-minded individuals and making friends

Let’s be honest, making friends can be difficult at any age. But with the assistance of a parent or guardian, your pre-teen and teenage can connect with like-minded individuals and befriend those with common interests and those that will be able to reinforce positive re-enforcements. I hope you enjoyed this post on how pre-teens can make new friends at a new school. Any suggestions that you have? 

Outfits are from Shein. (affiliate link)

how can pre-teens make friends at a new school


  • Pam Wattenbarger
    October 2, 2020 at 6:09 pm

    When my kid was a preteen, I enrolled her in karate and she joined the academic bowl. She still has friends from both activities!

  • Ben
    October 2, 2020 at 7:15 pm

    I think this is goign to help a lot of parents AND kids. Making new friends is so hard at that age. Everyone is usually all cliqued up by then, and it’s hard to break through.

  • Natalie
    October 2, 2020 at 11:36 pm

    These are some excellent tips to get pre-teens involved with others in their age group! It’s not easy but you have to put yourself out there!

  • Nikki Wayne
    October 3, 2020 at 9:58 am

    I agree

    • Nikki Wayne
      October 3, 2020 at 9:59 am

      I agree to all this. Parents should be involved a little with their kids relationship.

  • Lynndee
    October 3, 2020 at 4:10 pm

    Great ideas. They sure are going to meet new friends by joining extra-curricular activities.

  • Heather
    October 3, 2020 at 5:09 pm

    My middle schooler is going through this right now. She has joined basketball and dance to meet people.

  • Lois
    October 3, 2020 at 10:44 pm

    Pre-teens is the hardest age, they are very confused. But, she seems to be handling it well. Love those clothes.

  • Heather
    October 4, 2020 at 1:50 am

    Girls this age can be pretty mean. BBFs one minute, enemies the next. Ugh!

  • Catalina
    October 5, 2020 at 7:26 pm

    I am so agree that extracurricular activities can be a good way to make some new friends that have the same interests.


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