It's Life

Dear Mom, I’ll always remember….

This post is a personal one that I thought I would write to my mom in heaven. Mother’s day is a hard day for me since my mom isn’t here. If your mom is here please cherish her and do something nice for her even if it’s through social distancing. Check out ways to get through Mother’s Day with your mom here. This post I wanted to write down some memories that I had with my mom. Dear mom I’ll always remember….

Dear Mom, I’ll always remember…

That time you put my dad out of the house when you found out he was cheating. You didn’t play any games! You didn’t beat around the bush and play house nor lower your standards at what you will and won’t accept. I remember you telling me that my dad was about to be home and to say bye-bye because that would be the last time you see him. She wasn’t lying!

Remember when they asked you to lead the children’s choir and you started signing. I was shocked because I didn’t even know you could sing.

That time you came to the school because I cussed a teacher out. She refused to pronounce my name correctly and I messed up her name in return and cussed at her. You came to the school and dragged me out that classroom. Those were the times when they allowed moms to be the mom without repercussions.

Remember when you told me you had cancer? I didn’t know what it was…so I thought you would be cured with some meds and be okay forever. It came back again and again and again until you said you were tired and gave up.

That time you said I love you. My mom never said those words that I could recall but the last day I saw her alive she said Kita…I love you and you better raise that boy good. I said I know mom…I know. She didn’t have to say the words she did it in her actions. Kinda like me I don’t say the words but you will know if I love ya or even like ya.

Remember when I hung up on you because you told me that I needed to finish college and I thought I knew what was best. Don’t tell me what to do you didn’t finish college. I remembered the words and it stung even me. We didn’t speak for a few days which is the longest I have ever gone not speaking to you. I called you first and did not apologize but you asked me if I had calmed down and when was I going to finish college.

Remember when we dressed alike every Mother’s Day. I have all the pictures and I have not done that with my daughter. I don’t even know why…

That time I didn’t get an Easter basket at 18 and you said you thought I was too old for an easter basket…no ma’am I want one every Easter until you can’t make them anymore. She gave me one every single Easter until she passed away.

That time I came from Grandma’s house and saw an alligator in the driveway (it was down from me like about 20 feet) You didn’t believe me and said Kita you don’t know your animals it was a dog. I know my animal’s mom it was an alligator. Sure enough, we called the neighbors and they came out to see and there it was casually walking towards our house. They shot him and had some good eating lol

Remember my graduation. You had just had surgery to remove the cancer again and the doctors wouldn’t let you out but you were determined to be there, and you came wheelchair and all straight from the hospital that morning right to the graduation.

There is an old song I remember Mama that I loved by your favorite singer.

I remember the holidays with all the gifts and didn’t know how you did it with no money.

My mom was the best mom and you don’t get many like her. This Mother’s Day if you speak to your mom tell her you love her and if you don’t speak to your mom…still tell her silently in your own way. I will be wearing my shirt and if you know someone who doesn’t have their mom anymore get them one! They also come in Grandma and Dads!




  • melissa chapman
    May 4, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    Such amazing stories and life and love is never easy all the time. I lost my mom too and we didi not always see eye to eye but i miss her especially on Mother’s day.

  • Marisabel Park
    May 4, 2020 at 3:19 pm

    Such a beautiful post. Full of emotions. My mother is still alive and we are really close, I am a mom too, so this post also makes me think of my own kids.

  • Jen
    May 4, 2020 at 6:33 pm

    Aww this is so sweet! I treasure my mom so much, and have so many fond memories. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • Amber Myers
    May 4, 2020 at 8:36 pm

    I love this. She sounds like a wonderful mom. I am lucky to have a fabulous mother as well.

  • Marysa
    May 4, 2020 at 11:53 pm

    This is such a sweet post. My mom also passed away. It is always interesting what our favorite and most memorable times were. Even just something I was talking about with my kids.. they remember certain things from when they were little, but not the things I thought they would.

  • Beth
    May 5, 2020 at 12:57 am

    I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a great mom.

  • Tasheena
    May 5, 2020 at 2:56 am

    This is such a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  • Chef Dennis
    May 5, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Aww..your mom was such a wonderful person and really a great mother. This blog is full of love and emotions. Thanks for sharing!

  • Lynndee
    May 5, 2020 at 1:43 pm

    Such a sweet letter to your Mom. She seems like a wonderful mom. And that shirt is adorable.

  • Rena
    May 5, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    I want one of those! My mom died a year ago this past January and at 50 I’m still processing my grief. Some days are better than others, but the good memories help so much.

  • Debbiej
    May 5, 2020 at 4:54 pm

    These are really beautiful. It makes me more grateful for my mom and the relationship we’re currently building.

  • Catalina
    May 5, 2020 at 10:23 pm

    It’s a little bit a sad story. But it’s important to know about her love for you!

  • Lisa Joy Thompson
    May 6, 2020 at 12:25 am

    I’m sorry to hear that you lost your mom. So sweet that you are honoring her with your words today. I hope your mother’s day is special!

  • rika
    May 6, 2020 at 4:13 am

    This is such a sweet letter. Sorry to hear that you lost your mom. I am sure that you miss her, especially on Mother’s Day.

  • Lizzie Lau
    May 6, 2020 at 4:43 am

    What a beautiful tribute to your mom. I moved home to live with my parents because I don’t want to miss this time with them and I value the relationship my daughter has with them. It’s been a huge blessing, especially while we’ve had to be socially distant from everyone else.

  • Ana
    May 6, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    What a splendid tribute you’ve given to your mom! She sounded to be a dynamic woman and I bet she would be so proud of all your accomplishments!


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