It's Parenting

After School Routine for Teens: How to Keep a Great Schedule When Kids Get Home

It’s back to school time for my kids in August and that means teenagers will be coming home after a long day of classes, homework, and extracurricular activities. It can be tough to keep a great schedule when they get home, but it’s important to do so in order to maintain sanity, structure and productivity! In this blog post, we will discuss After School Routine for Teens: How to Keep a Great Schedule When Kids Get Home.

After School Routine for Teens: How to Keep a Great Schedule When Kids Get Home

No Two Teens Are The Same: Do What Makes Sense

After school routines are the perfect way to maintain structure and increase productivity with teens. I like to think of it as an extension of their structured school day considering they almost always have homework to get done. Before approaching the development of an after school routine, take into consideration your child’s personality, habits, instincts and interests.

No two teenagers are the same, so creating a routine that also caters to the specific needs of each of your kids is optimal for longevity. If you fail to customize your after school routine for each child, you’ll find yourself with a failed schedule not too soon after implementation.

For example, your son may be an introvert who likes down time after school to decompress from his day while your daughter could be quite the opposite – she’s antsy and requires 295 movements or she’ll go stir crazy. What works for one doesn’t work for the other so adjust your expectations and their after school routine accordingly.

The Ideal After School Routine Structure For Teens

Anyone who has teenagers at home knows that they are often hard to please. They can be moody, opinionated, and challenging to communicate with. However, there are ways to foster a successful after school routine that promotes productivity.

If you can help it, try to create an after school routine that incorporates some of the following:

  • pockets of time for homework
  • free time or unstructured play
  • time for rest
  • chores
  • physical activity or sports
  • extracurricular activities
  • a snack for some fuel
  • some room for family connection

This may sound like an overwhelming list, but keep in mind that each activity may not apply for your teen(s). It’s important to consider what is the priority and build from there.

If you can find a balance of all these things that also fulfills the needs of your maturing teen, you’ll discover what works! Teens need structure and routine in their lives, but they also need some freedom to explore their interests and develop their independence. By finding a way to strike a balance between these two needs, you can create a successful routine that works for everyone in the family.

Prioritize Based on Individual and Household Needs

As we already covered, it is ideal to develop a routine based on individual needs. However, it’s equally important to consider the needs of your household as a whole. As kids get older, it’s natural to want to give them more responsibility in preparation for college or the real world. If your home requires all hands on deck to function properly, this is something to keep in mind when creating an after school routine.

You may want to schedule a time for chores and ways your kids can contribute to the household. Delegate tasks as fairly as possible and divide up all tasks to create an equal workload for each child. Consider implementing a chore chart to keep everything streamlined and give a sense of independence and set expectations. By taking both individual needs and household functionality into account, you can create an after school routine that works for your home.

Get Naps Out Of The Way Early

If naps are a requirement in your routine, schedule them earlier in the day. Our teens come home from a long day of work just like we do. I mean, sure they don’t receive any monetary compensation for their hard work, but this doesn’t make it any less taxing on their mental and physical bodies. And unfortunately, they don’t always get the opportunity to get the rest they need during the school day.

This is why I always allow my kids to take a nap as soon as they get home from school. It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in their overall well-being. Naps help to refresh and rejuvenate the body, and they can also improve focus and concentration. As a result, my kids are able to approach their homework with fresh energy and a positive attitude. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that they are usually in a better mood after a nap!

As a rule of thumb, I make sure naps are scheduled right when they are returning from school to avoid sleeping too close to bedtime. I’ve noticed that kids have a harder time winding down when it’s time for bed if they’ve already had a nap to recharge and this can easily disrupt the next day’s morning routine.

Accountability Is Required for Long-term Success

As any parent of a teenager knows, after school can be a chaotic time. With homework, extracurricular activities, and social obligations, it can be hard to keep track of everything that needs to be done. One way to help ease the after-school chaos is to create a system that holds everyone accountable. This can be as simple as sitting down with your teen at the end of the day and going over a checklist of what was accomplished.

If you’re looking to really streamline your family’s schedule, you can use an app that allows everyone to check off tasks as they are completed. Encouraging your teen to take responsibility for their own schedule will help them develop good habits that will last throughout the school year and beyond.

Now that you know how to create a successful after school routine for your teenagers, let’s give you some tips on how you can help them stay on task this upcoming school year.

  • First and foremost, be supportive! Let your teenager know that you are there for them and will help them as much as possible. Encourage them to stick to their routine by setting a good example yourself.
  • Make sure they have a designated study area where they can do their homework without distractions, and enforce breaks and downtime so they don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Finally, make sure they have plenty of nutritious food available so they don’t succumb to the temptation of junk food.

With these tips in mind, your teenager should be able to have a productive and structured after school routine they will love and look forward to!

What are your best tips for creating an after school routine? Let me know in the comments!

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