It's Parenting

A day in the life of an 11 year old

What is it like to live with an 11-year-old you ask? It’s a mixture of a sour patch kid and a sweet kid. Sweet but sour and it’s half and half no in between, no 80/20, nada. My daughter just turned 11 and she is what I knew she would be when they told me I was having a girl. I will say she is smart as a whip, will fall out if she gets anything below a B, and is kind of serious when it comes to things. Every year in school she wins the award for the most compassionate and the most caring. Today I want to walk you through a day in the life of an 11-year-old so you all can get the gist of how I live.

A day in the life of an 11 year old

A day in the life of an 11 year old

During these times it’s Rona. She normally gets up at 11am (I’ll explain why just go with it). I have to make her get up. I do this by opening up her blinds and letting the sun come in. I then take the covers off of her…

Zaza: Mom why do you do this every single morning. I don’t wanna get up

Mom: *sings* get up get up it’s time to get up

We struggle with the cover for about 5 minutes then I blast music. That usually gets her up. This happens at least 5 days out of 7. She is now pissed off and stomps to the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on deodorant.

She then starts her HW for the day. I take all electronics until her HW is done. She will spend about an hr doing HW and then comes down to find something to eat. Since I have to go to work myself the kids have to fix their own breakfast most mornings. Easy stuff like eggo waffles, toaster strudel, cereal, sausage biscuit, etc.

Zaza: *looks in the fridge* Mom I am 11 years old you are supposed to take care of me what kind of mother are you that you don’t cook for me. You are so mean and so selfish. *slams the fridge*

Me: I watch her stomp up the stairs. I normally leave her be because I’m at work and sometimes it’s best for me to ignore her. She doesn’t do this every morning but she does it most mornings.

She then goes back to her HW and comes down about 15 min later and fixes herself some breakfast and then stares at me evilish while doing so.

Again I ignore her….

We move on to about 4 pm. She claims she is done with her HW and asks to get her electronics. I ask for proof. She gets mad that I don’t trust her then stomps back upstairs to get said proof.

After I see the proof she gets her electronics and all of a sudden she is happy to talk to her friends. She plays her music in her room and goes on Roblox all day long. She will occasionally come out of hiding but for the most part she gets ghost. I have to make her come down to eat dinner most nights.

I know that during these times things are different so I do give her grace since she can’t be with her friends I just wanted to point that out. Trust me I do check her those who know me know….

It’s now dinner time. I make all kids put up their electronics to come and eat dinner. I ask questions…how are you, what did you do today, etc. She is pleasant but ready to get back to her friends. Now it’s time to do chores and get ready for the night.

Me: Can you take your shower please. 30 min later….can you take your shower please… hr later can you get in the gotdamn shower.

Zaza: Wow mom you seem angry you need to calm down.

She takes her shower and stays up til 2am in the morning with her friends. This has been pretty much our routine with me making them do things around the house and learning new skills. I don’t go to bed until 3am most mornings myself but I gotta do better.

Overall here are some things I am learning about her at 11

  • She is self conscious of her face. She has pimples and stuff and doesn’t like to wear her hair back
  • She is not into clothes or shoes. She prefers sweats and t-shirts
  • She wants to paint her room black
  • She cusses me out in her head…I can see it and hear it
  • She says I’m mean and I don’t allow her to be a child all day
  • She loves music
  • She loves makeup…steals mine all the time

Overall she is a great kid. She reminds me so much of her father as she gets older. I pray that her 11th year is the best ever!


  • Tara Pittman
    April 17, 2020 at 7:22 pm

    Sounds just like my teen when he opens the fridge. He is always whining about the food choices

  • Kendra
    April 17, 2020 at 7:33 pm

    This was such a fun read! She sounds like a great kid. Also such a good idea for blog topic 😛

  • Lisa Joy Thompson
    April 17, 2020 at 11:57 pm

    11 is such a fun age. And while there are things I miss about the younger years, I feel like they just get better as time goes on.

  • Sherry
    April 18, 2020 at 1:32 am

    I remember when my daughter was that age. This sounds so familiar. It does get better. My daughter is now 21 and asks me for advice about adulting.

  • Wren
    April 18, 2020 at 3:02 am

    Eleven is such a great age! It has to be hard with all the changes going on right now. I know my kids I have been giving some space. We all are moody!

  • Catalina
    April 18, 2020 at 8:19 am

    My teen niece has pretty much the same schedule. She loves to stay till late in the night and wake up late… 🙂

  • Dro
    April 20, 2020 at 4:59 pm

    She’s so stylish and chic! I def can relate to this reminiscing when I was 11 haha.

  • Joyce Brewer
    April 20, 2020 at 7:22 pm

    These pre-teens are something else. Our son just turned 11 and he’s definitely more into his friends than ever before. This virus has us stuck inside with each other!

  • Mimi Robinson
    April 20, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    She is beautiful, I love these pictures. They are so fun, vibrant and full of life. This pandemic has turned my 8-year old into a teen and so I can relate to a lot of the things you mentioned about your daughter. I hope she keeps her kindness even when the world isn’t kind to her. It sounds like she is the perfect amount of smarts and sass. Happy Birthday!

  • Stacie
    April 20, 2020 at 9:39 pm

    She slayed her photoshoot! I love the personality that came through on every shot. Sounds like the typical preteen too.

  • Kiwi
    April 21, 2020 at 9:01 am

    She reminds me so much of my twelve year of niece. I don’t remember having attitudes until after 13 & 14 years old they are getting them earlier, my niece too!


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