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6 Ways to Cut Your Energy Cost this Winter

Trying to reduce your energy consumption and saving money shouldn’t be a seasonal exercise. It must be a perennial attempt. Since winter is the time when energy costs soar, it is wise to delve into the details and check if you can do anything about your energy consumption.

There are some basic or rather generic ways of saving money. One approach is to switch to a provider that has a considerably reduced tariff. Another is to cut down on your energy requirements, which will inevitably make you uncomfortable as we are too accustomed with our appliances and ambient requirements. You need practical ways of saving money on energy this winter.

  • The first thing you should do is ensure that your home is prepped for winter. One of the quintessential elements is insulation. Through spring, summer and fall, the insignificant leaks or holes, gaps in windows or doors, the vents or any kind of opening in an otherwise enclosed room or space would not have much bearing. In winter, the relatively harmless issues will cost you dearly. Plug all holes, cracks, vents or gaps.
  • Stop having your appliances or electrical systems on standby. It could be your laptop or your desktop, the induction oven or your television. It is said that most contemporary appliances do not consume much power when they are on standby. But they do consume some energy and when you have at least half a dozen and perhaps a dozen appliances or systems on standby, you are simply wasting your energy.
  • Try to reduce your dependence on heating systems. You will obviously have an adequate heating system or you perhaps have an HVAC. Whatever you have, you must not stress it so it starts to consume much more energy than it has to. Set optimum temperatures. One way of saving money is to dress appropriately. Since it is winter, you have to be in your woolies or clothes that keep you warm. If you have to lounge in your living room wearing what you wore for summer, then you would fail to control your energy consumption, at least what the heater would require.
  • Get a smart thermostat and know your energy requirements. Try to have more people in the same room and set your thermostat accordingly to save energy. Try to spend more time in the kitchen or hang out with your family in the kitchen while cooking.
  • There are certain generic ways of saving money and those are regardless of the season. You should adhere to them as well. For instance, you should consider getting LEDs and do away with all the incandescent bulbs and CFLs. Opt for energy efficient electronic and electrical appliances.
  • Get decent Appliances. Sometimes having old appliances can cost you a lot of money. Why not invest in new innovative appliances that will save you money. It will also look good too! Here in GA, I suggest you get your appliances from Guy Gunter Home. All of the new houses are custom built with energy efficient appliances and if you have something old and outdated then you could be wasting a lot of money.  I have a friend who has a smaller house than I do and she gets upset at her light bill every month. My light bill is much cheaper because of my new appliances. With Guy you get your questions answered by a real professional and you get the best kitchen and bath updates that money can buy.

5 Ways to Cut Your Energy Cost this Winter

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