It's Parenting

A few things not to do on the first day of school

The first day of school can be an all-around emotional rollercoaster for all involved. It can be exciting, scary, worrisome, etc. Kids are worried/excited about the changes they’re facing and parents are right there with them in that worry and excitement. There’s always a drive to make that first day special but in all the rush of emotions, we sometimes forget to avoid or watch out for certain aspects of the first day of school. Here are a few things NOT to do on the first day of school.

Things not to do on the first day of school

Don’t Just Wing It – The first day of school is important in more ways than one and needs to be full of certainty and assuredness, especially for the kids. Have a plan to get the school year started off right so they feel confident walking in on the first day; it will shape the way the rest of the year is going to go.

Don’t Dress Down – Starting a new grade means there’s going to be new people to meet, teachers to get used to, etc. Make sure your kids are wearing their new favorite outfit to feel confident. A good outfit does wonders on creating an overall good attitude. They have one chance to make a good first impression.

What not to do on the first day of school

Don’t Ignore the Little Things – If little Timmy is having a rough time on the morning of the first day of school, don’t rush him or get impatient with him. It’s a sign that he’s stressed or worried just like most kids. Don’t ignore this. Our children need to know that no matter what, a parent has their back even if they’re being cryptic about it and not coming right out and saying it. Often times, the most important observances come in the little things, so set a precedent for the rest of the year, this includes bad behavior as well.

Don’t Skip Breakfast – Breakfast is just as important as everyone says it is. Parents AND kids need to have plenty of energy to burn. Not to mention, a good meal to start the day ultimately can lead to your attitude, demeanor, clear brain function, etc. A start to any good day is a solid breakfast so don’t skip it.

Don’t Drop Off Your Child and Leave – If you drive your child to school, don’t just have them hop out of the car as you drive off. The first day of school can be overwhelming, make sure their needs are met and they’re secure/safe walking in and getting settled.

Don’t Forget to Remind Your Kids to Be Themselves – It can be hard to not want to try and impress new people or even the people we’re used to in school. I remember back in the day what it was like to want to be the cool kid. Remind your kids they’re awesome the way they are. If they try too hard to be “cool” it will show. They just need to be themselves which will ultimately feed their confidence throughout the year if they’re not struggling to be someone they’re not.

Overall, children learn from their parents. If you’re talking negatively about the first day of school or start freaking out, they will pick up on that. Remember to be the example and the kids will follow suit, make the first day of school the best memories for years to come. If you have an upcoming middle school student make sure you read my post on how to tackle middle school this year.



  • Audrey
    July 16, 2018 at 5:10 pm

    Ah, the dreaded first day of school. We as parents, as well as our kids, want to make a good first impression that first day. Your tips are all spot on!

  • Amber Myers
    July 16, 2018 at 6:03 pm

    Great tips! My kids ride the bus, so I sort of shove them on and wave bye 😉 I’m mean that way. But luckily my kids never have issues on the first day of school.

    Breakfast is a selection of cereals. My daughter was all, “You know, my friends mom makes pancakes and bacon,” and I’m like, “Well, go live there then. Can I pour you a bowl of Froot Loops?”

  • Aduke Schulist
    July 16, 2018 at 10:49 pm

    Not skipping breakfast is so true. My kids would be miserable if they were skipped breakfast before a long day of school.

  • Heather
    July 17, 2018 at 12:49 am

    Thanks for the tips. Hopefully my girls are already used to first days so they know what they should and shouldn’t do.

  • Rachel
    July 17, 2018 at 2:13 am

    I always looked forward to picking my first day of school outfit. I may never wear matching clothes the rest of the same year, but I was going to be looking my best on day 1.

  • Debra Pearlstein
    July 17, 2018 at 3:14 am

    You’ve outlined some really great tips here. Definitely don’t skip breakfast. So important for kids!

  • Reesa Lewandowski
    July 17, 2018 at 3:55 am

    Awh such important tips. I love the last one the best though – be yourself!

  • Catherine Shane
    July 17, 2018 at 4:39 am

    Such a great tips for my daughter. Now I will remember always those tips for her.

  • Rose Ann Sales
    July 17, 2018 at 5:46 am

    These are great tips. The first day are really so important, making a good impression is really hard for the kids that is why we parents should support our kids not only in their first day of school but all the years of their lives.

  • Nkem
    July 17, 2018 at 7:33 am

    Great tips for moms, kids, and the everyday person!! Thanks for sharing these and sharing the good energy 🙂

  • Ruth I.
    July 17, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    These are so true! My niece’s first day was a little stressful as she kept on crying and didn’t want to be left alone. Glad she has changed and enjoying school now.

  • Melissa Dixon
    July 17, 2018 at 4:03 pm

    When my daughter first attended school we only left to run to the store to buy her a bunch of gifts because we felt so bad about sending her there. lol

  • Kiwi
    July 17, 2018 at 6:23 pm

    I know parents are jumping for joy back to school season is coming. Summer went by fast for the kiddies in the south

  • Trina
    July 17, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    These are great tips! I can’t believe it’s already back to school time, I need to get on the ball. Plus, I love their outfits!!! SO CUTE!

  • crystal
    July 17, 2018 at 9:44 pm

    Dropping them off and leaving never happens with us. I have actually followed their school bus to the school and then got out and walked in to the building. I had to get a little more creative once they got older. LOL. And dressing to impress on the first day of school is a right of passage. Even if it’s just a new pair of shoes or a new hair style, it’s important for the kiddies to feel awesome.

  • Tiffany Haywood
    July 17, 2018 at 10:12 pm

    Really great tips!! I have one heading to Middle School this year and I think I may be a bit more stressed out than she is. These tips will help a lot.

  • Shannon Gurnee
    July 17, 2018 at 11:22 pm

    Ha ha I love these tips! These are some great tips of what NOT to do on the first day of school! Looks like they had a great tine!

  • Mimi Green
    July 18, 2018 at 1:41 am

    Yes to all of these things, I think I make the first day a big deal more than the kids. lol They wear uniforms so getting dressed is easy, but I do make sure they are ironed up and fresh. Also, I need parents to make to sure the kids have fresh haircuts and hairstyles.

  • Heather
    July 18, 2018 at 4:16 am

    Back to school shopping is so exciting! But going back to school can be full of nerves. These are great reminders for what NOT to do to make sure your kids’ first day is a success. I always make it special with a fun breakfast and annoy the kids with photos.

  • Tanay
    July 18, 2018 at 11:46 am

    This is only my baby’s 2nd first day of school coming up and I hope he’s ready! We never drop off and leave even in the middle of the school year lol.

  • Lynndee
    July 18, 2018 at 1:36 pm

    First day of school can definitely be overwhelming for kids. Making sure they’re ready and confident to face a new school year is important. Great tips!

  • Terri
    July 19, 2018 at 2:26 am

    I love the tip about dressing your best. My mom always told me when you look good you feel good. How you dress really can affect your mood. It’s definitely a good start to having an enjoyable first day of school

  • Gina
    July 24, 2018 at 12:39 am

    I really make it a point to drop off and pick up my kids on their first day of school. I plan to do this until they graduate from high school.

  • Tione
    July 25, 2018 at 9:49 am

    The first day of school you should always look your best. Everyone is coming looking fresh and new, well prepared for the school term. I remember when school reopens each term. I would have to get new uniforms, bag pack, shoes, books etc.


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