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Minding Your Digital Manners: 7 Online Etiquette Tips for the Modern Age

We’ve all heard the saying, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” While this may be true in some cases, it’s not always the best way to approach digital interactions. In today’s online world, it’s more important than ever to mind your digital manners and treat others with respect. Whether you’re posting on social media, sending an email, or commenting on a blog post, here are some tips to help you stay classy and polite while interacting digitally. Here are 7 Online Etiquette Tips for the Modern Age.

Minding Your Digital Manners: 7 Online Etiquette Tips for the Modern Age

Tip #1: Remember There’s A Person Behind Every Interaction

It’s easy to forget that there is a real person behind every online interaction. We’ve all had that experience of sending an email or leaving a comment only to realize too late that we came across as rude or insensitive. In the heat of the moment, it can be easy to forget our digital manners. That’s why it’s important to take a step back and remember the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. This simple rule of thumb can help us to navigate the sometimes-tricky waters of online communication. When in doubt, ask yourself how you would feel if someone said the same thing to you. By remaining mindful of others’ feelings, we can ensure that our online interactions are always respectful and kind.

Tip #2: Respect Others Boundaries

As anyone who has ever been on the internet knows, there is a wide variety of acceptable behavior – and an equally wide variety of unacceptable behavior. Just as in real life, it’s important to Respect Other People’s Boundaries (ROPB) when interacting with others online. This means understanding that everyone has different limits on what they’re comfortable sharing, and respecting those limits. For example, as a photographer, I always make sure to get my clients’ permission before posting any pictures of them online. I know that some people are okay with having their picture taken and shared without their consent, but others prefer to share their photos first – so I use precautions to avoid making anyone uncomfortable. By following ROPB, we can all make the internet a more respectful and enjoyable place for everyone.

Tip #3: Respect Others Privacy

In the age of social media, we are constantly interacting with others online. From posting pictures to sharing updates about our lives, we are sharing more information than ever before. However, it is important to remember that not everything should be shared with the world. In particular, respecting the privacy of others is essential when interacting online. Just as you would not want someone to share your private conversations without your permission, you should not do the same to others. Screenshotting a private message or conversation and sharing it without permission is a huge violation of trust. So next time you’re tempted to take a screenshot, think twice about whether it’s something that should be shared. After all, we all deserve to have our privacy respected.

Tip #4: Monitor Your Words When Commenting

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and post something we later regret on social media. We’ve all been there – someone says something that rubs us the wrong way, and before we know it, we’re typing out a scathing response. But before you hit “send,” it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself whether your comment is respectful of others’ values and beliefs. Just because you have a differing opinion doesn’t mean you need to attack the person expressing it. It’s okay to disagree, but try to do so in a constructive way. By monitoring your words, you can ensure that your comments are promoting civil discourse, rather than simply adding fuel to the fire.

Tip #5: Opening A Conversation With Acknowledgment First

With the rise of social media, direct messaging has become the number one way to contact others. Whether you’re trying to reach out to a friend or connect with a business associate, DMs are the way to go. However, there are some etiquette rules that you should follow when sending DMs. First and foremost, always acknowledge the person you’re messaging. It’s rude to message someone without saying hello first. Secondly, don’t be focused solely on what you can get from the other person. Instead, open the conversation with a warm greeting and ask how their day is going. By following these simple tips, you’ll ensure that your DMs are always well-received.

Tip #6: Respect Others Copyrights

When it comes to the ethical implications of our online activities, copyright infringement is often overlooked. We all know that shoplifting is wrong, but somehow the online equivalent – downloading pirated content – doesn’t seem to carry the same weight. Yet the reality is that copyright infringement is a serious violation of others’ rights, and it’s also against the law. What’s more, it’s a huge loss of revenue for businesses that rely on selling digital content. So next time you’re tempted to download that pirated digital content, remember that you’re not just breaking the law – you’re also harming those who create the content you love – and that’s not cool.

Tip #7: Be Mindful Of Your Reputation

Back in the day, if you wanted to keep something embarrassing private, you could just destroy any physical evidence and hope that no one who was there that day would ever rat you out. But nowadays, with the power of the Internet, anything and everything you do or say can be broadcasted to the world with just a few clicks. So it’s important to be more careful than ever about what you share online. Anything from an awkward photo to an incriminating email can come back to haunt you years later, so think twice before you hit “post.” And even if you’re not sharing anything embarrassing, it’s still important to present yourself in a positive light online. After all, potential employers and romantic partners are increasingly likely to do a little digging on your social media accounts before they agree to meet up with you in person. So take a look at your digital footprint and ask yourself: Would I be happy for my boss or my mother-in-law to see this? If the answer is no, then it’s probably best to keep it to yourself.

Etiquette is a huge part of our lives, offline and online. We’ve shared some basic digital manners that we think everyone should remember when interacting in the digital world. What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to share this post with your friends – after all, it takes a village (or at least a friendly neighborhood) to raise a well-mannered digital citizen. Thank you for reading Minding Your Digital Manners: 7 Online Etiquette Tips for the Modern Age.

Minding Your Digital Manners: 7 Online Etiquette Tips for the Modern Age

1 Comment

  • Daenel
    May 21, 2022 at 1:30 am

    So much good stuff. I was thinking about having a Lunch and Learn session at our library on a similar topic. This is so very needed.


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