It's Life

How to build a business by word of mouth

Many folks ask me how I built my blog. How did I get real people over here instead of bots. How do I get people to buy anything I’m selling. It’s easy…by word of mouth. Getting out and talking to people offline is still relevant today. I know with social media being a big part of our lives we feel the need to sell only on social media but have you tried getting off of social media and selling to people in real time. I tend to remember people who speak to me more than the internet folks (especially those who never speak or don’t speak often). Word of mouth isn’t a lost art it’s just something that I think a lot of people have forgotten. I want to give you a few easy steps on how to build a business by word of mouth.

How to build a business by word of mouth

We live in the age of social media power where something can go viral and reach millions in a matter of minutes. Although this could make for some great business, it’s not as easy to connect with people to create long-term and consistent/returning clients. As soon as the hype about one viral piece of content dies down, there’s no guarantee that will ever happen again. Therefore, social media shouldn’t be the only means of business building that’s focused on. Word of mouth is a great way to build your business whether it’s online based or locally based.  Although it might take more effort, it creates a more permanent draw and personal connection to your business that may be more difficult online.

One of the best ways to spread your business by word of mouth is by networking. Just like you would network online, networking in person can offer a valuable component to spreading the word about your business. Go to local events related to the niche your business matches. Create events yourself, as this is a great way to bring notice to your company. Talk to people when getting gas, strike up random conversations with your cashier. Every moment you’re talking to someone is a chance to network.

Having a “pitch” is another great way to spread your business by word of mouth. Everyone gets asked what they do for a living, often. Having a superb response to this question can really draw people in. Don’t just give your title or the name of your business as a response. Say what it is your business offers instead and then follow with the name of the business and your title within that business. You would be surprised how many clients you drive away simply because you didn’t offer the right information about what it is your business offers. Be clear and don’t’ use jargon related to the business too much either.

Always be ready to follow up with people. Draw in their interest, hook them, then keep up their interest. However, don’t be too salesman-like about it. Genuinely be interested in them as a person and simply check in or follow up from time to time. This will allow you to follow up and keep in touch while continuing to build that personal connection that is missing with online businesses.

I am starting a new business or rather revamping an old business of mine. My goal is to join my local chamber of commerce and talk to people in my hometown which is where the bulk of my business will come from. Make sure you keep up with my other business by going to Sweetgrass Roots and signing up for my newsletter!

How to build a business by word of mouth


  • Stacie
    August 13, 2018 at 8:17 pm

    This is great advice. The life-blood of a business is word of mouth, especially if you have a local brick and mortar.

  • Amber Myers
    August 13, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    Good to know! I wish I liked to talk to people more often. I tend to get word out via social media or emailing.

  • Marysa
    August 14, 2018 at 2:32 am

    These are great tips – and word of mouth is so important! There are so many people that don’t pursue the full potential of their business, and these are things everyone should do.

  • Shannon Gurnee
    August 14, 2018 at 5:01 am

    Yes – I love this blog post! This is so inspirational girl – you keep up the good work!

  • Elle (CleverlyChanging)
    August 14, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    This is very insightful. Like most of us, I have other ventures that I work on outside of my blog and word of mouth is key. The concept lends more credibility and people tend to put more faith into it than social media. I wish you much success.

  • Dominique
    August 14, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    I have received some of my biggest blogging opportunities and campaigns through networking. The power of actually talking to someone face to face about working together is highly underrated. This was a fantastic read!

  • Ruth I
    August 14, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    This sounds great! I think we really should connect to people with the same niche and interest. Networking is a great way to build a business especially when starting out.

  • Sara Welch
    August 14, 2018 at 7:13 pm

    Word of mouth is definitely still viable in this day and age. Networking is important in order to get in connection with those who are like-minded.

  • Stephanie Pass
    August 14, 2018 at 7:28 pm

    Word of mouth is the best way advertisement for business. I make sure to spread the word about local small businesses when I think they are amazing.

  • Melanie Walsh
    August 14, 2018 at 8:18 pm

    Great advice! I need to work on my 10-second pitch of what I do. I share ideas for family fun, but I need it to sound more like a business and less like I get paid to share our family photo album.

  • Catalina
    August 14, 2018 at 9:57 pm

    This could be a great idea and opportunity to do something different. Talking to real people is always a good thing!

  • Stacie
    August 15, 2018 at 4:50 pm

    It’s true, word of mouth can really do a lot for your business. Every time I go to an event of some sort where I’m networking, I see a spike in blog traffic. I need to do it more!

  • Arnitris Strong
    August 16, 2018 at 4:10 am

    Offline networking is definitely becoming a lost art. I think you do that beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

  • Kayvona
    August 18, 2018 at 2:41 am

    These tips are so true! I’ve taken a few communication classes in college and one of my business communication professors expressed how much the new generations are terrible at social skills since we are so focus on what’s on the screen! Networking is everything no matter how big social media gets


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