It's Life

3 lessons I’ve learned from my mom

Mother’s day is here and my mom was one of the best. I know not everyone gets a good mom. I was one of the lucky ones. She was hard on me but was also real. She never said I love you but I knew that she did by what she did not what she said. Love is just a word for me to this day it’s the actions. Anyone can say they love you but their actions will match what they really feel. Trust their actions not their words. With that being said I wanted to share 3 lessons I’ve learned from my mom. Can’t believe she has been gone for over 10 years but her lessons live on.

3 lessons I’ve learned from my mom

Lesson 1

Be humble. She never let me think I was better than anyone. She would always say you can be rich today and poor tomorrow. Never ever let your bank account dictate how you treat people. My Aunt worked for the pentagon back in the day. She made hella money moved home and worked a good ass job. No kids lived with my grandfather had the latest cars and the latest outfits. One day My mom and I were stuck on the side of the road. My mom had an old car it broke down. I was about 10 at the time. We had to walk to a payphone in the rain to call my Aunt to come to get us (her sister). My Aunt said when she is done with her dinner and her tv show she will come. My mom paused for a second and said ok. We waited for about 3 hours on the side of the road until my Aunt finally came and got us. My mom didn’t have money for a tow and her friends weren’t answering their phones.

Fast forward to about 20 years later that same Aunt needed a Kidney. She was on the list and needed my approval to get the Kidney something about they needed to know someone would care for her or something. I had to sign some type of paper. My mom was still alive but she was sick with cancer so they needed a person that wasn’t sick to be on the paperwork for her to get it. I remembered what she did to us and wasn’t gonna sign but my mom said no sign and then tell her ass but still sign. Don’t do what she did to you let God fight those battles you just do what’s right. I signed but I did tell her ass off. Be humble you never know when you will be to the bottom. Speak to those who don’t look like you, say hello to workers who serve you food, and treat people like humans no matter the color of their skin.

Lesson 2

It’s not what you know it’s who you know. I know a lot of people I just don’t know a lot of the right people lol. I think who you know will get you into doors more than your smartness. My kids go to a private school. I didn’t put them there because I want them to be smart. Kids in private schools aren’t always the smartest sorry to burst your bubble. I put them there to network to get to know people. Surround themselves with people who are not like them. If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room. It’s hard getting to know people but you gotta network. You gotta speak to people and don’t let looks fool you. Everything my mom had or did it was because of who she knew.

Lesson 3

Be smart with your money. My mom didn’t have much so she did without a lot. She didn’t know a lot about how money worked or how credit worked but what she knew she taught me. She always was against getting credit cards. I spoke about how I’m changing my mind about this but some of her other lessons were

  • If you can’t buy it twice you can’t afford it. If you can’t double up on your car note or your mortgage you can’t afford it.
  • Pay yourself before you pay anyone else. After your main bills are paid don’t go out and buy a new purse pay yourself first and put some money into a savings account
  • Write out your bills monthly and look through them cut out what you haven’t used in 3 months
  • Have a savings account, a reg account, and an emergency account.
  • If you pay for something out of your savings work side hustles or extra hours to put that back. If I want to go on a vacation and I pay for it I have to put that money right back in the savings. You can do this by taking on extra side gigs or working overtime at your job if they allow it. If you take it out put it back within 60 days.
  • Don’t let folks borrow money. If they need help pay the actual bill or item that they need help with. If you do give money don’t ever expect it back
  • Who you marry may or may not drain that back account be careful who you marry. Marry an asset, not a liability.

Here are a few more lessons that she taught me

  • Don’t ask anybody to do anything for you that will throw it back in your face try to do it on your own or make enough money to pay someone to do it for you
  • Patience will take you far stop being in a hurry for everything
  • Don’t let your left hand know what the right is doing
  • If you weren’t in the room you don’t know what really happened. It’s only facts if you were there
  • Trust your gut
  • God is always first

What lessons did you learn from your mom? Even if your mom wasn’t perfect she still taught you something share what that is below.

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